Payment Reconciliation Report: Simplifying Financial Reconciliation

07/09/2024 12:35 AM By George
At eddress, we are continuously innovating to bring you solutions that make running your business more efficient. Today, we are happy to introduce our latest enhancement: the Payment Reconciliation Report. This powerful report has been developed to ease the reconciliation process between your business and your payment gateways such as Adyen, Stripe, Cybersource etc..

The Need for Accurate Reconciliation
Payment reconciliation is one of the most important, yet time-consuming, tasks for businesses. Ensuring that your records match the transactions listed by your payment gateway is critical to maintaining accurate financial statements and avoiding costly discrepancies. With multiple transactions occurring daily, it’s easy to see why having a streamlined solution is essential.

The Payment Reconciliation Report: Key Features
Our Payment Reconciliation Report is designed to help you navigate this complexity with ease. Here’s how it works:
  1. Date Range Selector: You can filter transactions based on a specific date range, allowing for detailed reviews of payment activity over any period.
  2. Detailed Report Fields: The report provides a full breakdown of essential information, including:
    • Order #: A unique identifier for each order.
    • Date: The date the order was placed.
    • Customer & Merchant: Details about the transaction parties.
    • Order Total & Transaction Total: A comparison of the amounts paid and processed.
    • Payment Provider: The gateway used for the transaction, such as PayPal or Adyen.
    • Payment Reference & Status: Track payment references for each gateway and get real-time updates on the status of the transaction.
    • Match Column: A dedicated field to quickly identify whether a transaction has been successfully matched between your system and the payment provider.

Payment Reference for Full Transparency
One of the most important updates included with this feature is the ability to save and display the payment reference ID for all payment gateways in your system. This makes it easier to trace individual transactions, giving you full transparency and greater confidence when reconciling payments.
Additionally, we’ve added the payment reference directly under the payment provider information on the Order Details screen, so you can easily access it whenever you need it.

Why This Matters for Your Business
By introducing the Payment Reconciliation Report, we are helping businesses simplify what has traditionally been a complex, manual process. This report allows you to quickly spot any discrepancies, ensuring that your payment records are always accurate and up to date. No more wasted hours tracking down mismatched transactions or reconciling orders manually—this feature handles it for you.

Get Started Today
Ready to explore the Payment Reconciliation Report? Log in today and experience a smoother, more efficient way to manage your finances.

At eddress, we’re committed to providing you with the tools and features you need to run your business efficiently. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and enhance your experience.