B2B SaaS Company

Blog tagged as B2B SaaS Company

How to Master the Art of Gamification for your mobile app

Mastering the art of Gamification is no easy task! Gamification is a nuanced, multifaceted methodology, drawing inspiration from intricate game designs and seamlessly integrating these elements into non-gaming environments. The core idea revolves around supercharging user engagement, cultivating int...

18/10/2023 03:15 PM - Comment(s)
How to Acquire Your First 1000 App Users

Understand Your Target Audience

To effectively understand your target audience, you can use tools like Google Analytics, surveys, and competitor analysis. For example, if you're developing a fitness app, survey potential users to understand their fitness goals, preferred workout styles, and pain poin...

10/10/2023 02:10 AM - Comment(s)
The ultimate guide to keeping remote employees happy & connected

by Sania Yasmin, Talent Acquisition Specialist at eddress

Working remotely has many benefits, including increased productivity, better mental health, and lower overhead costs. However, remote work can also lead to social isolation and disengagement, with many remote employees feeling less connected t...

26/04/2023 11:11 PM - Comment(s)
The power of eddress' B2B SaaS technology: Pronto's success story

Are you looking for a technology solution that can help you streamline your online marketplace business? Look no further than eddress. We have successfully partnered with Pronto, a grocery delivery in Bermuda, to achieve their business goals.

06/04/2023 11:01 PM - Comment(s)
Leveraging Data & Analytics for B2B SAAS Growth
The digital era is creating a new business landscape that fuels its growth on data. It is currently estimated that by 2025, the world will generate 181 zettabytes of data, encouraging the big data analytics market to grow further. 

But what makes data and analytics an instrumental aspect of the ...

16/03/2023 04:36 AM - Comment(s)