Online shopping

Blog tagged as Online shopping

What went wrong with Boxed? the online bulk delivery service.

Online retailer Boxed recently made headlines by filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 11, underscoring the inherent challenges in the low-unit economics of online grocery delivery.

Despite gaining popularity for its bulk delivery service, Boxed faced significant headwinds, ultimately leading to a dec...

11/03/2024 02:23 PM - Comment(s)
The power of eddress' B2B SaaS technology: Pronto's success story

Are you looking for a technology solution that can help you streamline your online marketplace business? Look no further than eddress. We have successfully partnered with Pronto, a grocery delivery in Bermuda, to achieve their business goals.

06/04/2023 11:01 PM - Comment(s)
Data Privacy & Security in Online Retail: Why it Matters

by George Alam, Technical Product Manager at eddress

In a tech-savvy digital world, data is produced on a daily basis:

  • 333,2 billion emails are sent every day as of 2022
  • Over 41,000,000 million messages are generated and sent every day on Whatsapp
  • By 2023, Statista estimate there will be around 1.3 bill...
13/02/2023 10:46 PM - Comment(s)
Customer experience leads the way at eddress

by Khizra Sabri, Project Manager at eddress

At eddress, we say “the customer is always right!” That’s why we take inspiration from Apple founder Steve Jobs, who famously said in 1997, "You‘ve got to start with the customer experience and work backward to the technology."

It always starts wit...

17/01/2023 12:12 AM - Comment(s)
How to choose the best channel for food delivery?

by Ahmad Tuffaha, COO of eddress

Customers often ask us whether they should develop their website, mobile app, or both for food delivery services. 

For us, choosing to use a mobile app and not wasting time on both is the best option. It’s just so much easier. And that’s why users want it. They ar...

21/12/2022 04:36 AM - Comment(s)