Case Study

Blog categorized as Case Study

How the launch of le “Super Marché” helped Frichti increase customer loyalty

In the highly competitive French food delivery market, Frichti has carved out a niche for itself since its inception in June 2015, capturing around 10% of orders in the Parisian region. However, the young contender didn't rest on its laurels. In September 2018, Frichti launched a game-changing initi...

20/03/2024 01:35 PM - Comment(s)
The power of eddress' B2B SaaS technology: Pronto's success story

Are you looking for a technology solution that can help you streamline your online marketplace business? Look no further than eddress. We have successfully partnered with Pronto, a grocery delivery in Bermuda, to achieve their business goals.

06/04/2023 11:01 PM - Comment(s)
Case study: a successful journey with berlin-based gorillas

*This case study was prepared and published before Gorillas got acquired by Getir in December 2022.

When Jörg Kattner and Kağan Sümer, the founders of Gorillas, planned their on-demand grocery delivery business in 2020, they knew they wanted something unique. The idea behind Gorillas is speed and qu...

19/07/2022 02:17 AM - Comment(s)